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Fans preparing for Rihanna gerberas

Fans want the Rihanna concert in Lodz is history. And above all, that was different from the others.

Inspired by the album "Loud", in which Rihanna was accompanied by a floral frame, decided to create the Lodz concert "sea of flowers". All fans have a concert to bring an artificial flower. Top gerbera.

While the singer sings the song "Only Girl In The World", the fans will rise up to form colored artificial flowers "sea of flowers". Facebook has already established a special group dedicated to the concert in Lodz. More than 600 people confirmed that the concert to show up with Gerber.

Polska wersja: Fani szykują gerbery dla Rihanny

See more:
Rihanna in Lodz will be living in Andel's Hotel

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