Nasza Loteria SR - pasek na kartach artykułów

From London to Lodz day 2: "Day two realy hurt"

On the second day of their trip, James and Robbie have ridden 104 miles through Netherlands. "I wasn't expecting it to be this tough" - says James Szymik.

On wendsday, 23rd July, James and Robbie departed from Hook of Holland. They didn't expected, it will be such a difficult ride.

- 104 miles cycling into head wind, is a killer - says James Szymik. - You'd think the flat ground would be great but it just means constant peddling, 11 hours of it!

Despite the wind, James and Robbie made it to Apeldoorm. They admit, that it was worth it.

- Appledorn is a lovely town though and I highly recommend the Netherlands - says James. - Just on a non-windy day!

Today, James and Robbie will be travelling from Apeldoorm to Bad Laer in Germany.

James Szymik and Robbie Marr are travelling from London to Lodz on their bikes to help develop rugby league in Poland and to help Polish rugby league team - Magpies Lodz. They started fundraiser at, to aquire funds for Polish team.

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